
Thank you very much for all of your careful work, sensitivity and kindness towards Mum recently.

Your work is invaluable and more important than anyone realises. It was good to know that when I wasn’t with her there were kind people helping her. Thankyou too for coming to the funeral – seeing you there meant a lot to me.Please pass on my deep thanks to the rest of your team

Ms M,

The district nurses would like to thank you and all of your staff involved in the care of the late Ms B. The care you provided was excellent and without all of your support and kindness Ms B may not have been able to have her final wish which was to die in her own home.

We appreciate all of the input you provided and I am sure Ms B was very grateful and happy to be able to remain at home. Please pass our thanks on to all who were involved.

Victoria Cottage Hospital, Maryport,

I am writing to thank you and all of your care staff for the exceptional service shown to Mrs B over the past few years, but particularly over the past week. Mrs B’s greatest wish was to die at home and you and the staff enabled her to do this with compassion and dignity.

The social work and district nursing staff were impressed by the care and attention to detail that all of your staff gave.

I am aware that Mrs B was not always easy, but the staff consistently gave their time and patient support in a professional manner. Please pass on our recognition of this support, and we look forward to working with you all in the future.

Cumbria County Council, Social Services

I am writing to say how impressed I am with the service that Bellcare has provided for Mr P for the past year now.

Without the dedication of the care staff involved with his care and Debbie’s professionalism in feeding back and managing the situation, it is most likely that this gentleman would not have been able to remain in his own home.

Not only is he where he wants to be – he also looks forward to the carers coming in every day and I understand that he is eating well and enjoys his meals from Parkside which your staff go and fetch for him everyday!

I would like to thank all of the staff involved on my behalf for all of their hard work, care and concern they have given.

Victoria Cottage Hospital, Maryport,

I am writing to thank you and all of your care staff for the exceptional service shown to Mrs B over the past few years, but particularly over the past week. Mrs B’s greatest wish was to die at home and you and the staff enabled her to do this with compassion and dignity.

The social work and district nursing staff were impressed by the care and attention to detail that all of your staff gave.

I am aware that Mrs B was not always easy, but the staff consistently gave their time and patient support in a professional manner. Please pass on our recognition of this support, and we look forward to working with you all in the future.

Cumbria County Council, Social Services

I am writing to say how impressed I am with the service that Bellcare has provided for Mr P for the past year now.

Without the dedication of the care staff involved with his care and Debbie’s professionalism in feeding back and managing the situation, it is most likely that this gentleman would not have been able to remain in his own home.

Not only is he where he wants to be – he also looks forward to the carers coming in every day and I understand that he is eating well and enjoys his meals from Parkside which your staff go and fetch for him everyday!

I would like to thank all of the staff involved on my behalf for all of their hard work, care and concern they have given.

Victoria Cottage Hospital, Maryport,