Excellent Results from a Care Quality Commission Inspection

On Thursday 23rd May 2012, Bellcare had an inspection by the Care Quality Commission, the regulating body for Home Care providers. The inspection was unannounced, which means that we had no idea that it was going to take place until the inspector arrived at our office in Workington.

The inspection that was carried out was a ‘themed inspection’, which is a new initiative which is testing new ways to get better information about how services are performing and what people think about the services they are getting, it focused on;

  • Service Users are treated with dignity and respect.
  • Service Users are supported by people who are skilled to undertake their care.
  • Service Users have a choice about the care and support they receive.
  • Service Users benefit from effective systems of safeguarding.
  • The care and welfare of people who use services
  • The assessment and monitoring the quality of service provision

We are so proud of the feedback we have received from this inspection, we met all the essential standards of quality and safety that were inspected, here are some quotes from the final report:

  • “We were given numerous examples of how the care promoted independence, privacy and dignity.”
  • “People told us they were regularly asked if they were happy with the care and the service. They felt the organisation was open to suggestions and actively sought views to help improve the service and to involve people in how the service was delivered and run.”
  • “Staff told us that the agency was very keen to ensure that people’s dignity was upheld by encouraging people to retain as much independence as possible by providing the right levels of support and care. This was confirmed by those people we spoke with.”
  • “The social work team reported that they had been very impressed with the agencies efficiency. Stating that they manage some complex packages of care, with good communication channels, and they always follow up and ring back. They stated they received very few complaints about the agency, and judged them to be a consistently high performing provider for reliability and in providing good outcomes for people.”

And the praise goes on, we could not have achieved all that we have to this date without the dedication, hard work and skills of all our wonderful staff, each and every one is an asset to the company.

Thank you all for your hard work – to say that we are happy would be an understatement, see what you think!

Prefer to talk?

Call us on: 01900 87030