Bellcare is OUTSTANDING!

Following a recent inspection by the Care Quality Commission we are very proud to announce that Bellcare’s overall rating is Outstanding. This is the highest possible rating for a Home Care Service and ‘just to put the icing on the cake’ we at Bellcare are the only Home Care Service in Cumbria to be awarded the Outstanding rating.

All of us at Bellcare have always known that we are the best, but to have it confirmed by the Care Quality Commission is absolutely fantastic. This does not mean that we will stop reviewing our service, that we will stop looking for better ways to deliver care, or ways of looking after our employees, we will continue to move forward, leading the way towards excellence.

Carol and Ian Wilson the Directors and Georgina Stott the Registered Manager would like to thank each and every one of our staff, from our new care workers, to all the support staff in the offices, from all our experienced and dedicated care workers, to our wonderful managers who lead our teams using their caring expertise and effective leadership skills.

It is all of you working together that are making such an important and vital difference to the lives and families of our service users, Outstanding!

Prefer to talk?

Call us on: 01900 87030